
Blog posts tagged with 'generator switchgear in uk'

Why a Changeover Switch is Essential for Your Power Supply

When switching from a home or business's electrical supply to the local generator's energy source line, a changeover switch is necessary. These switches are directly linked to our regular electricity supply line, the supply box at our home or place of business, and the nearby generator. Through changeover switches, we can transition to our backup generator's electrical source in the event of an unexpected disruption in the power supply.

Types of Changeover Switches

There are many different kinds of changeover switches, but there are essentially two types: automatic and manual.

Automatic Changeover Switches

The ease of an automated changeover switch allows the energy supply of the house or place of business to be automatically transferred to a backup generator. It works the same way, except with manual, we have to manually turn the generator switchgear before we can get on with our task.

Because the automatic changeover switch did its job and automatically switched the source electricity to backup once it detected power supply abruption from the grid, ensuring the safety of the machinery, it is now useful in that the machinery drawing power from the grid will draw power from the backup generator automatically, without stopping once. Rather than occurring at home, this issue is primarily seen in business settings such as factories, hospitals, schools, and many more.

Manual Changeover Switches

Because it allows the user to transfer the power source during a power outage from the utility to the generator, a manual changeover switch is a crucial part of backup power systems. This entails physically operating a lever or flipping a generator switchgear to link the generator to the power source and maintain the operation of essential devices. Normally located near the main electrical panel, these switches need manual activation by the user in the event of a power outage.

Commercial Applications

Commercial buildings are the ideal candidates for automatic changeover switches due to their additional convenience and the fact that they require several changeover switches, which can be obtained at Blades Power Generation.

The closed transition ATS, also known as make-before-break switches, ensures that the load is constantly linked to the supply. It simultaneously and momentarily connects to both power sources during the transfer. These switches are utilised in critical applications, such as data centres and hospitals, where output power must never be cut off, not even for a short period.

Modern Residential Emergency Generator Usage

In modern residential emergency generator usage, the switchgear is the circuit breaker panel so buy generator switchgear from the UK. In this straightforward application, in the event of a power outage, the automatic transfer switch powers the circuit breaker located on the home's panel. This is an illustration of a basic switchgear application.

Industrial Applications of Switchgear

Industries without mission-critical power requirements employ the next generation of switchgear. Power is frequently applied to circuit breakers that are specifically marked. An LED is frequently used in these types of circuit breakers to show power. Some instances of powered systems are:

Hazardous Ventilation

Exhaust ventilation for rooms housing dangerous chemical storage; emergency lighting for escape signs and pathways throughout the building.


Some phones with the system activated, or the phone system itself.

Alarm and Monitoring

Electronic door systems and fire monitoring.

Advanced Switchgear Usage

More sophisticated generator changeover switchgear is used by hospitals, aerospace companies, data centres, and other businesses that need constant power if grid power is disrupted. Power engineers specifically created these systems for the establishment. Control rooms can be found in large facilities with crucial power requirements.

We provide switchgear for energy management, emergency/standby, and generator paralleling applications. Our personnel have a strong grasp of the power business and can provide application and technical help for almost any application by utilising reliable and tested manufacturers.

For any application, including energy management, prime power, and emergency standby, we provide a variety of manufacturers of automatic paralleling switchgear.

Emergency Generator Switchgear

In an emergency, generator changeover switchgear initiates the standby system and links it to the load when utility power fails or fluctuates above permissible voltage or frequency limits. To meet the magnitude of the demand, the generator switchgear automatically synchronises, parallels, and starts the appropriate number of generator sets.

Options Include:

  • Generator to generator paralleling as well as utility to generator paralleling.
  • Setups with one or more generators operating in parallel to increase capacity or redundancy.
  • Options for soft loading transfer, closed transition, and open transition for generators.
  • Circuit breaker configurations that are fixed or drawn out.
  • Compliance with relevant IEEE, UL, and ANSI standards.
  • Engineered to provide almost any protective relaying, control, and monitoring need.

Generator Maintenance

Periodic maintenance is also required for generators. Genuine components are available at competitive costs from the top generator spare parts providers in case you want emergency generator maintenance or repair services.

Check out our products now to buy generator switchgear from the UK.

Single and 3-Phase Manual Changeover Switches

Single-Phase Manual Changeover Switches

These simple yet rugged switches let you hook up your portable generator when the grid power craps out. Just flick that lever, and boom - you're back in action!

For homes running on single-phase power, you've got two main options:

1) 2 Pole changeover switch 

2) 3 Pole changeover switch

A 2-pole model is the most basic, handling the standard 120V power for small homes or job sites.

But if you've got a larger home with 240V appliances like electric stoves or clothes dryers, you'll want that extra pole. 

Pro tip: Always use switches rated for your generator's full capacity. You don't want any circuits overloading!

Three-Phase Manual Changeover Switches 

Are you powering those big rigs with generators? Then you'll be looking at some heavy-duty three-phase changeover options. This isn't your average weekend warrior setup!

Companies and factories tend to opt for either:

1) 3 Pole changeover switches

2) 4 Pole changeover switches

A 3-pole unit is the standard for smaller three-phase systems up to 600V. It's a robust piece of kit that'll keep your essential equipment humming.

But if you're dealing with high voltages (over 600V) or extra heavy loads, that 4-pole switch is what you need. It's got enough muscle to transfer that massive amount of power.

Whichever option you go for, these switches are designed for reliable changeovers between utility and generator power. No hiccups, no disruptions - just a steady flow of juice to keep your operation running smoothly.

Pro Tips on Manual Changeover Switches

- Favor switches made from durable, outdoor-rated metal enclosures. You want these to withstand the elements for years.

- Always opt for switches rated higher than your actual requirements. Overloads lead to burnouts – no fun! 

- Mount your switch as close to the main generator inlet as possible. Lengthy cable runs mean power loss.

- If you're unsure about proper sizing or installation, rope in a qualified electrician. Safety first!

- Once installed, test that sucker every few months by running your generator. Preparedness is key.

A rugged manual changeover switch is a small price to pay for total power reliability. With the right model for your needs, you'll never be left powerless again!

So don't wait until that next big storm hits. Get your switch game in order today, and you'll be the bright home of your neighbourhood tomorrow!

How to Solve Common Generator Problems With Changeover Switchgears

Standby engine generators, as the name suggests, are vital for emergencies. They are kept as backups to generate power during outages. Now, swift activation of standby engine generators is crucial when outages persist for a longer period of time. Specific issues such as failure to start, generator not connecting due to switchgear malfunction, or operational failure post-connection may sometimes delay the activation of the generator. By using a branded generator changeover switchgear, you can eliminate these problems.

Common Generator Problems and the Ways to Address Them

Problem 1: The generator engine failed to start

Solution: Confirm the engine and switchgear controls are in automatic mode. Regularly check battery health and charger power. Be cautious of ATS not detecting power failure, hindering engine start. Periodic ATS tests, briefly cutting normal power, ensuring prompt engine response, and verifying ATS functionality during utility outages.

Problem 2: Engine running but failing to meet critical load

Solution: During routine maintenance, technicians must validate the correct switchgear neutral switch timing setpoint. Regular checks should ensure the engine main breaker is closed. Adjust the breaker setting to avoid unnecessary trips under load. Conduct frequent transfer tests initiated manually at the ATS without opening circuit breakers to prevent failure modes. The common failure modes are:

  •      The ATS does not acknowledge acceptable generator power
  •      ATS jamming or failing to transfer
  •      And, contacts fail under load post-transfer

This proactive approach ensures the reliability of the generator switchgear and minimises potential operational failures.

Problem 3: The engine carries the load smoothly but fails before the return of utility power

Solution: Prevent fuel-related issues by routinely inspecting pumps and filters for contamination. Run the generator for extended periods to confirm prolonged performance and avert these potential failure modes.

  •      Engine overheating
  •      Component failures
  •      Incompatibility issues with load, such as voltage regulator or speed governor issues

Problem 4: The engine still runs after stable utility power returns

Solution: Verify switchgear setpoints for potential manual transfer requirements. Ensure correct adjustment of the ATS-in-phase monitor and appropriate engine frequency for seamless in-phase monitoring and closed-transition transfer.

Avoid generator issues with the best switchgears

Selecting the right generator changeover switchgear is critical for unhindered power transitions during power cuts and supply outages. The choice influences the reliability of backup power systems by ensuring timely and automatic shifts between utility and generator power. Well-designed switchgear minimises the risk of failure modes, such as failure to recognise utility power return or jams during transfer. Find the best switch gears with Blades Power Generation today!

Storm Arwen Caused Havoc in the North

Investing in a standby generator for your home is not going to be cheap, but in the light of recent events there will no doubt be many homeowners who would never have considered it before but are now studying the market to find a generator that will cover them for a power outage.

Storm Arwen - only the first named storm of this season – has caused havoc for people in the north, some of whom have been without power for 11 days. Many of them have had no lighting and no TV, so not only have they had no power but have not been able to keep up with the news and see when (if ever!) their power is going to be restored. The worst part of it for those people is that in most cases they have had no heating either – in the freezing conditions caused by the storm.

It is bad enough having a power outage in your home, but in other situations it can literally be a matter of life or death. In a hospital, for instance, the loss of power for even a few seconds can be a catastrophe. So, under those circumstances, the installation of a standby generator is not an option, but an essential.

Then there is the matter of how the generator kicks in when the power goes down. This is taken care of by a transfer switch, and it can either be manual or an automatic transfer switch.

With a manual transfer switch, as you might imagine, you have to start the generator yourself and then when it is up and running switch over from the mains input to the generator. This means that there will be a time gap between the power going down and the generator producing power again. It also means that if you are not at home or on the premises, the power will be down until someone can start the generator.

An automatic transfer switch, however, does the job for you. It senses when the power has gone down and sends a signal to the generator to start up. When the generator is running it will send a signal back to the automatic transfer switch which will then switch over from the mains to the generator. When the power returns from the mains, the switch will turn off the generator and return to mains power again. 

What Do You Do When The Lights Go Out?

Yes, we know that may seem a bit of a strange question. If you live in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, or even Plymouth, it probably doesn’t happen very often.

And yet, there are plenty of places, even in the UK, where power cuts occur quite often. And this doesn’t have to happen just because the electricity company is at fault. It may be generating away quite happily as always, but unfortunately, there is a storm. The storm brings a large oak tree down. That oak tree falls across a power line which just happens to be the one that brings the power into your home. Or your office. Or your retail store. Or your factory. Or – enter your own choice here.

Power cuts happen quite often, and the result may be that you miss out on the middle of East Enders and have to dine by candlelight.

(By the way. Do you have any candles? Just asking. But what if you don’t?).

And what if the dinner is only halfway through cooking and the cooker gets switched off? The candles won’t matter because you won’t have any dinner anyway.

Ah well, you can always send out for a takeaway. Except that you can’t, because their power line is the same one that supplies you.

Trust me. I know. Back in the day – in the Great Storm of 1987 – exactly that happened to me. And my home was without power for – wait for it – THIRTEEN DAYS! In the middle of Autumn and just when winter was approaching with darker evenings.

But in those days, we never thought about those possibilities. I had recently moved into the countryside – still in Kent, so not exactly out in the wilds – and I learned those power outages were a regular occurrence. But what I didn’t have was an emergency generator.

This is why I recommend everyone to have an emergency generator, and today you can buy generator switchgear in the UK from Blades Power Generation.

That means that when that power cut strikes – for whatever reason – you will be without electricity. For about ten seconds.

As soon as the power goes down, the emergency generator kicks in and the lights will be back on again. Bang! Just like that. Along with your dinner.

If you want to buy generator switchgear in the UK, head over to Bladespower Generation and check out all the possibilities.